Friday, March 7, 2008

chapter 3

"WIERD, wat u said is true, shoacking as it sounds you remind me off someone, and to be honest ur like two people that i noe merged into one, ho luckly am i to meet such a nice person, but hey wat do u think of me, i never had honest feedback before, so i want to hear wat u have to say...

but thats up to you
thanks a whole lot for being honestly kool!!@@!"

"honestly... i cant say much... to me, to misjudge a person is too big a concept of mistake that i wont want to risk... you`re definitly someone different. one that walks his own path in rain or sunshine. there`s always a light... different isnt bad, its just not orginal... be who you are and let me see you as you and not JUST ANOTHER GUY waiting to pass along his strange DNA... then if so, you could be anybody from a stranger to a lovely neighbor? who knows, certainly not I. Thats all i can say... Im sorry... i really cant say any more words to describe you...i`m sure you can be angel or a demon in less then 20 seconds... we all have our own demons to conquer... in this corrupted forsaken place call home. some are trapped in its cursed cage of a world turned upside down. Inflitrated with evil and darkness... but little do we all know, there is good in every heart... and everything thrives for its very existance, acceptance and knowledge... all we can say is that we are all very much the same indeed for we are all the creations of god`s religion and science merged into one whole... yet i can become many people indeed... to wear a mask is a simple task to ask... if so... i can be anyone you want me to be... like two merged into one...but the question is this "Will i chose to be who you ask of me?" its good to know someone like you would love to hear from someone like me... one who suffers on her own will when she knows its useless...i dont deny much haha im sorry... im so sorry for the bother... i really am... if you need help with anything, just ask and i`ll see what i can do to help alittle... but dont rely too hard on me... for i can be a very disappointing person... hey! sorry... though, at least you arent blind... you can deflict the wrong from right... you`re wonderful and unquie in the way that makes you, you... no hard feelings. dont know if you wanted me to rate you as good looking to werid long for now...
good night,


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